employee guidance
Puncture sleep complaints of your employees
A refreshing night’s sleep is an absolute must to function well in the workplace throughout the day. Bad sleepers make production errors much faster, are less concentrated and are much more prone to burn-outs or other health complaints.
That is why it is important that you as a company take a preventive approach, because prevention is always better than cure. Start to Sleep offers the ‘Employee guidance’ formula to arm your company against employees who do not sleep well. During this process, we work out a plan of action together with your company to provide your employees with the best possible support in the event of sleeping problems.

the sum
Employees who sleep badly:
- take 5 to 9 extra sick days per year
- are 10x more absent
- are more prone to depression and burnout
- are less concentrated and perform less
- experiencing mental and physical weakness
- make more production errors
- fall back on hospitalization and medical services more quickly

shift system
Sleep coaching for shift workers
It will come as no surprise to you that shift workers find it more difficult to sleep well and deeply. Due to their irregular working hours, they are unable to establish a routine in their sleep schedule. This makes it a real challenge for them to function well during their shift, and to be able to enjoy a refreshing night’s sleep afterwards…
This type of employee needs support from a sleep coach. During the sleep coaching process for shift workers, they will learn to correctly organize their sleep patterns and combine them together with their family life.
Investing in human capital
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