9 to 5 worker
Help! I'm so tired, irritable and can't concentrate.
Everyone can have a bad night from time to time where you spend hours staring up at the ceiling when you can’t fall asleep. However, when these bad nights keep piling up, it naturally has an impact on your physical and mental well-being. You feel lifeless and exhausted throughout the day. You are also irritated or emotional, which means that your loved ones sometimes get the full blast. Not to mention your lack of concentration at work…
Do you recognize yourself in the situation above? Would you like to become your ‘old self’ again? Well, Start to Sleep’s online sleep therapy can help you with that. Our sleep application offers a solution for both mild and severe insomnia. Even if you take sleep medication. You will see a result after only two weeks when you will notice a clear difference in sleep quality and amount.
Sleep therapy for 9 to 5 workers
the advantages
Why choose Start to Sleep
- No waiting lists
- Daily follow-up
- Customized sleep schedules
- persistent login
- Partial reimbursement of an average of €60 by various health insurance funds